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22/10-10   -   Pressemeddelelse

Alcatel-Lucent er nr. 1 i verden inden for mobile backhaul-markedet og forbedrer udbuddet af trådløs IP-transformation

Alcatel-Lucent præsenterer en markant opgradering af sine løsninger inden for mobile backhaul - trådløs kommunikation mellem sendemaster og det centrale netværk - og gør det dermed enkelt for operatører af mobile netværk at transformere ethvert 2G-, 3G- eller LTE-netværk til LTE.

Samtidig rykker Alcatel-Lucent op på førstepladsen i verden med 23 % af verdensmarkedet inden for mobile backhaul ifølge data for 1. halvår fra Infonetics, som har registreret en markedsvækst på 231 % i løbet af det seneste år. Alcatel-Lucent har således styrket sin solide position inden for mobile backhaul, LTE og trådløs IP.

I den nylige rapport " Mobile Backhaul Equipment and Services," beskriver Infonetics den hastige vækst inden for mobile backhaul IP/Ethernet og rapporter, at Alcatel-Lucent for andet år i træk er markedsførende, når det gælder salg af routere på området. Alcatel-Lucent trådte ind på markedet for blot tre år siden med introduktionen af mobiletransport architecture i forventning om en infrastruktur udelukkende baseret på IP og behovet for at understøtte LTE.

Alcatel-Lucent har netop introduceret 7705 Service Aggregation Router (SAR)-18 til sit omfattende produktudbud inden for mobile backhaul sammen med robust styring af hele netværket lige fra Radio Access Network (RAN) til kernenetværket for at gøre det lettere at integrere netværk, finde fejl og levere hurtig service. Med disse forbedringer fortsætter Alcatel-Lucent sin førende position inden for innovation og teknologi og gør det muligt for operatører af mobile netværk at styre den voldsomme vækst i abonnenternes datatrafik, som skyldes smartphones og de tusinder af applikationer og videoindhold på dem. Alcatel-Lucent forstår til fulde de udfordringer, som operatører af mobile netværk står overfor og har forbedret sine løsninger med "Any G to LTE" for at sikre, at udbydere ikke bliver fanget i en bekostelig flaskehals, når de opgraderer 2G-systemer til 3G/3G+ forud for udrulning af LTE.

Alcatel-Lucent's løsning til mobile backhaul er en del af virksomhedens High Leverage Network™ (HLN) arkitektur, som gør det muligt for serviceudbydere at udnytte deres netværksinvesteringer til at levere nye indtægtskabende services, samtidig med at de reducerer omkostningerne pr. bit for den basale transport. Som førende inden for både IP-routing og trådløs adgang er Alcatel-Lucent i en ideel position til at hjælpe udbydere af mobile services med at bygge yderst skalerbare og pålidelige IP-netværk, som åbner for nye forretningsmodeller og profitabel levering af mobile services.

Yderligere oplysninger:
Peter Fink, administrerende direktør for Alcatel-Lucent i Danmark, mobil: +45 40 56 88 10
Tore Evensen, chef for marketing og kommunikation i Norden og Baltikum, tlf. +47 671 88 581

Supporting Quotes:

· "Operators, especially those offering 2G and 3G services today, are not willing to build a separate backhaul network to handle just LTE traffic, therefore, they will coexist for the foreseeable future," said Glen Hunt, Transport and Routing Infrastructure Principle Analyst, Current Analysis and author of LTE: Game Changer for Mobile Backhaul Strategies or Just More Data?. "Alcatel-Lucent's "˜Any G to LTE' enhancements, which are in line with the company's HLN architecture, strongly reaffirm the company is extending the portfolio in the right direction and is committed to making investments in key areas such as converged IP/MPLS, microwave and management. With this announcement, Alcatel-Lucent can make a strong case for a leadership position in mobile backhaul with a string of customers to back them up."

· "In 2010, we expect Ethernet mobile backhaul to increase 8% YoY to $5.2B, making up 88% of total backhaul equipment spending, with the biggest growth from Ethernet cell site routers, which grew 231% and microwave Ethernet, at 367% over 2008," said Michael Howard, principal analyst and co-founder of Infonetics Research.. "Since last year, we've seen a significant shift in thinking by mobile operators and transport providers around the world who have come to trust IP-Ethernet more, and are now fully engaged in deploying and planning IP/Ethernet backhaul as the single backhaul to carry voice, data, and video traffic for 2G, 3G, WiMAX, and LTE. In the important Ethernet cell site gateway and router category, Alcatel-Lucent held onto its #1 position with 23% of 1H2010 worldwide revenue."

· Telenor Hungary, who aspires to become the leading mobile Internet player in Hungary amidst fierce competition, believes it's critical to carefully assess its service strategies and investment choices to keep innovating while ensuring profitability. "We believe that if we want to have a cost-efficient infrastructure serving the data needs of our customer base, then we need to be an all-IP company," said Gyorgy Koller, CTO Telenor Hungary. "This evolution cannot be done in a single, quick step therefore we've migrated our core and the mobile backhaul networks to IP as the first steps of a multi-year transformation program that will culminate with IP used from the core to the air interface between the BTS and the customers' devices. Alcatel-Lucent's IP/MPLS products provide us with the right foundation upon which to build our aggressive strategy to become the leading mobile broadband service provider in Hungary."

· "Alcatel-Lucent uniquely brings together market leading IP and wireless technology to deliver the strongest solution set for mobile backhaul and wireless IP requirements now occurring in the market," said Basil Alwan, head of carrier strategy for Alcatel-Lucent. "By leveraging the breadth of the Alcatel-Lucent Ethernet, IP and MPLS, access, optical and microwave portfolios under unified management, we offer an integrated portfolio approach and a clear message to the market about our thought leadership and product offerings which unleash the power of IP and MPLS for wireless IP network transformation."

Key Facts:

· The new Alcatel-Lucent 7705 (SAR)-18 is optimized for large aggregation sites or smaller central hub sites requiring multiservice support for 2G and 3G as well as Ethernet/IP support for LTE. The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR-18 is a 10-rack unit (RU) version of the Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR with industry-leading scalability of 140Gb/s. Click here for more info

· The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM) now provides seamless end-to-end IP/MPLS-based management for the entire wireless network domain. With the 5620 SAM, Alcatel-Lucent brings the strength of its industry-leading IP/MPLS management expertise to significantly simplify provisioning and operations and accelerate faulty detection and rectification.

· The Alcatel-Lucent SAR family of products is now integrated with the Alcatel-Lucent 9500 Microwave Packet Radio (MPR) family, for seamless microwave-based backhaul. As a result, service providers now have the flexibility to architect their networks with optimal topologies (by site), with lowest cost and best performance.

· To date, Alcatel-Lucent is involved in over 50 LTE trials and has won seven LTE contracts worldwide. Alcatel-Lucent has also performed over 200 mobile network migrations, 50+ mobile backhaul integrations and over 70 IP transformations worldwide. Alcatel-lucent brings a set of transformation services specifically designed for mobile backhaul transformation including consulting, optimization, network architecture design and integration supported by robust financial and network modeling.


· To view the video: "Addressing the challenges of the mobile data tsunami" with Lindsay Newell, Alcatel-Lucent's vice president of marketing for the company's IP activities, click here

· For more information on Alcatel-Lucent's mobile backhaul solutions click here

· For more information on Alcatel-Lucent's High Leverage Network architecture, click here

· For more information on Alcatel-Lucent's wireless IP solutions click here

· For more information on Alcatel-Lucent's LTE solutions click here

Om Alcatel-Lucent
Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris og NYSE:ALU) er den betroede partner for serviceudbydere, virksomheder, strategiske brancher som forsvar, energi, sundhed og transport samt offentlige virksomheder verden over. Alcatel-Lucent tilbyder løsninger, der leverer services inden for tale-, data- og videokommunikation til slutbrugere. Koncernen er førende inden for faste, mobile og konvergente bredbåndsnet, IP-teknologier, applikationer og tjenester, og udnytter den enestående tekniske og videnskabelige ekspertise i Bell Labs, som er blandt de største innovationskraftcentre i kommunikationsindustrien. Alcatel-Lucent er en lokal partner med en global rækkevidde i kraft af virksomheder i mere end 130 lande. Desuden har koncernen den mest erfarne globale serviceorganisation i branchen. Alcatel-Lucent havde i 2009 en omsætning på 15,2 milliarder euro og er registreret i Frankrig med hovedkontor i Paris. For yderligere information,

besøg Alcatel-Lucent på Internet: http://www.alcatel-lucent.dk, læs de seneste kommentarer på Alcatel-Lucent's blog http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/blog og følg os på Twitter: http://twitter.com/Alcatel_Lucent.

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Alcatel-Lucent Denmark
Islands Brygge 43
K-2300 København S, Danmark

  +47 671 88 581


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